When Tracy McCarthy walked into a door frame in the middle of the night, she had no idea the accident would inadvertently end up saving her life. 

For although the impact caused immense pain in the 53-year-old’s left breast, it also helped her discover a lump which had previously been undetectable.

After consulting her GP, Tracy was quickly referred to Ipswich Hospital, where she had surgery to remove the tumour and four lymph nodes in September 2022. She was given the all clear after 23 sessions of radiotherapy, and she says she will be forever grateful for the support she received from the dedicated staff who cared for her.

“My experience at the hospital was amazing,” said Tracy, who lives in Ipswich with husband Stewart. “The whole team were fabulous and I can’t praise them enough.

“My consultant told me that door frame saved my life as the impact helped to make the lump more prominent and easier to feel. Otherwise, I may not have known about it until it had grown and spread elsewhere.

“I went into the hospital every day for radiotherapy and the staff were all fantastic. We always had a laugh and joke which helped to put me at ease. They also gave me emotional support and were there for my husband too, which was lovely. Thanks to their kindness, what could have been a very negative experience turned into something positive.”

Tracy is now encouraging people to support Colchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity’s radiotherapy fund, which helps pay for new equipment and little extras which improve people’s experience of receiving care.

“I’ve continued to get support and the radiotherapy team have helped to organise some acupuncture for me, which has been incredibly helpful with some side effects I was experiencing,” added Tracy.

"The fact that they are still looking after me more than a year after my diagnosis says a lot, and every time I pop in they tell me how well I look which is lovely"

“You never know if cancer is going to affect you and anyone could end up needing to use the service. I would urge people to support the fund if they can, and to make sure they check themselves regularly. I feel very lucky to be here to be able to tell my story, and really fortunate to have had been given such amazing support. 

“I’m fighting fit now, and it’s all because of the treatment I received. I will be forever grateful.”